Hi! 👋🏼 I’m Emily.

I write what’s true.

I’m a 30-something from Small Town, Louisiana, middle child of 5, Leo, Enneagram 4, and married to my high school sweetheart living in Texas as a full-time WFH marketer and part-time freelancer.

I feel it in my bones when I’m not all-the-way me. I get a knot in my throat when there are things inside of me I need to say.

When I’m struggling to figure out what to say (to others, to myself, in a piece of writing) I always come back to this: just say what’s true. That is usually enough to move my writer’s block and clear my throat. And it’s what this online writing space is all about for me: what’s true.

I write personal, narrative style, chit-chatty pieces here.

Even though the things I write about are deeply personal to *me* and *my* experience, it is— to me— a testament to what it means to be human that what’s true for me is so very often relatable to others. I know no better way to feel fully human than to do it alongside other humans.

I have often asked myself this same thing.

Sometimes, it feels like a selfish pursuit to ramble on about me, me, me.

my life. 
my experiences.
my marriage.
my childhood.
my search for meaning.
my insecurities. 
my fears. 

But I feel like those are the things we all want to talk about and hear about. I feel like those are the things that are hardest to say but most worth saying. I so appreciate honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity in others, but why am I always waiting on someone else to go first?

I write what’s true because I believe that honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity ripple. When we throw our big, scary, messy story out into the world, we are usually met with love and other big, scary, messy stories.

It’s my favorite part about being human.

honesty ripples.

I hope my words make you feel things that what’s true for me helps you find, say & share what’s true for you.

Subscribe to what's true

raw, personal, sometimes-funny-always-real essays about what's true for me (and probably you, too)
